Leash Reactivity Training Tips

Leash reactivity is a common group of behaviors we help clients modify. I wish there was a magic wand I could wave and help alleviate reactivity for every dog and their caretakers. It can often feel overwhelming, embarrassing, and high emotion for the dog and their people. But, the good news is, training can help change those emotions and behavior.

Wilmer, the dog in the video, was barking, lunging, and pulling towards other dogs when she saw them on her walks. She is an extremely dog social dog, that wants to say hi to EVERYONE...even if they don’t want to say hi to her. Because of this, she felt frustrated not getting to greet every dog that she saw on her walks.

In her first session, Wilmer learned to disengage from distractions and we put it to work by the second session. We never worked over Wilmer’s threshold, I didn’t need to see her previous behavior in action, and we taught Wilmer what to do when she spotted another dog or person.

If your dog is struggling with leash reactivity, we’re here to help in person or online!

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